

On April 11, 2019, the Moncton Portage Atlantic Aftercare group hosted the volunteers at its weekly meeting activity, providing the opportunity for youth to express their appreciation. A mother and son team shared their story of how the Portage program at Cassidy Lake, NB, has brought positive changes to their lives. This was followed by an informal discussion and sharing of information by all attendees.

Each volunteer was invited to choose a pottery coaster/plate created by the Fredericton and Moncton Portage Atlantic Aftercare youth, as a token of their appreciation. One of the Aftercare youth had created special dream catchers for the guests.

Portage Atlantic youth and staff are grateful for our volunteers who contribute to the program and services, as regional board members, members of the Lions and Leos clubs, annual events committee members, yoga instructors and members of certain local community groups.

The wealth of knowledge and contribution by the volunteers drives the Portage Atlantic success!

Portage Aftercare Program

Once the residential component of the drug addiction rehabilitation treatment program is completed, clients receive Aftercare support for up to two years, through regular communication and meetings with Aftercare counsellors and the Aftercare community.

Photo: (Portage Atlantic volunteers) -  Front row:  Jane Harwood – chairperson, Moncton Dinner event (June 2019), Dr. Russell H.T. King – chair,  Regional Board of Directors.  Back row:  Ronald Murray – Board member, District N-1 Governor, Lion Brennan Beaumont, Lion Cindi Beaumont and Fred Laforge – Board member

One Response to “Portage Atlantic Volunteer Recognition Gathering”

  1. Cheryl Koughan

    Awesome my daughter kelsey ford will have 6yrs nov 13th thanks to portage


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