Portage’s adult program is a free, bilingual drug addiction rehabilitation program located in Prevost, in the Laurentians.
Within the therapeutic community environment, residents deal with the root causes of their drug addiction problems and learn how to better function in their everyday lives, without needing drugs.
The supportive community of people who have been through similar struggles helps them to develop the self-esteem and social competencies necessary to build the confidence that they too can live healthy, happy, and productive lives.
Aftercare and Family Services help them develop a strong support network of people to help them pursue a positive lifestyle after treatment.
Upon admission, new residents are welcomed by those currently in treatment, who help them understand how the program works. Under the supervision of a team of clinical staff members, residents support and encourage each other through the program, helping each other to acquire the necessary competencies and knowledge to move through the phases and eventually become role models to new residents. THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITY APPROACH
- Eliminate abusive consumption of drugs/alcohol
- Develop self-esteem and acquire social skills to better handle life’s challenges
- Improve interpersonal skills and family relationships to develop a strong support system
- Prepare for social reintegration and a continued positive lifestyle
Typical Day
- Breakfast
- Morning meeting
- Group therapy
- Sport activities
- Lunch
- Workshops
- Mid-day meeting
- Dinner
- Night meeting
- Free time
Everything I have today is due to the help from the staff and my peers here at Portage. I have relearned who I am, and in the process, gained friends who will last a lifetime.