I arrived at Portage Saint-Malachie on June 19, 2023. I was 17 years old and my life was falling apart. I could no longer see the light at the end of the tunnel and I was crying out for help. I would wake up sobbing at night, just wanting to die. My dark thoughts were my only friends. After witnessing my terrifying states of mind so often, my family no longer trusted me. I truly believed that I couldn’t lead a “happy” life without using.
As soon as I started my therapy at Portage, I knew it was the place for me. The Portage family helped me discover my values and identify my feelings; it helped me rediscover the real me—the person I had lost sight of after so many years of substance use. I’ll admit I was tempted to quit therapy several times; I wasn’t sure I was capable of getting through the whole program. After all, I was just an addict, someone people liked only if I gave them drugs or sold my body to them. Portage taught me about true self-love and true friendship. I no longer have to sell my body to feel valued!
I finished my program on January 4, 2024. I’ve stayed in contact with my therapeutic community ever since then. I’ve found a job I enjoy and I’m back at school. I dream of becoming a counsellor, of helping to rekindle the flame of those who struggle with addiction, and sharing my story with them. It’s been a tough journey but, thanks to Portage, I’m now sober and free.
Anna, Adolescents and Young Adults Program, Portage Saint-Malachie, 2024
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