
Accreditation is the process by which an external, independent and recognized body certifies that the services and care provided by an organization are of the appropriate level of safety and quality.


Portage Accredited with Exemplary Standing!

In October 2021, Accreditation Canada, the national organization that supports and assesses good practices in health and social services establishments, conducted an on-site survey of Portage’s centers and administrative offices. Subsequent to the scrupulous evaluation of all criteria, Portage was accredited with exemplary standing, which is the highest distinction possible.

Several specific features drew the attention of the Accreditation Canada survey team, including the importance Portage affords to its partnership with clients and their families, a feature our organization is very proud of. In addition, due to the health landscape, particular attention was paid to the management of the pandemic in the various rehabilitation centers.

Portage owes this success to the efforts and commitment of all its staff and the members of its Board of Directors who, by taking on measures and carrying out the necessary follow-ups in the accreditation process, have reaffirmed their willingness to cultivate excellence.

Click here to read the accreditation report