Bell Let’s Talk 2025: Youth mental health, a priority


While conversations about mental health have come a long way over the past few decades, there is still much work ahead. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, one in five Canadians experiences a mental health problem or illness each year, with youth being particularly vulnerable. In Canada, 1.25 million young people need mental health… Read more »

Portage’s integrated school program: Learning through recovery


Portage’s educational program stands as a unique model that integrates academic achievement with therapeutic recovery. The program offers a specialized learning environment where residents receive individualized attention and support during class. Unlike traditional educational institutions, Portage’s integrated school program acknowledges the complex challenges the residents face and adapts its teaching methods accordingly. The program maintains… Read more »

Back to school: A journey from darkness to hope with Portage


For many, the back to school season is a fresh start, a chance to set new goals and embrace new opportunities. But for Kaylee, this season means much more than just going back to academic life. It represents a major transformation, a journey from a place of darkness to a future full of hope and… Read more »

Tips on attending festivals while staying sober


For those who are in their post-therapy reintegration phase or who want to avoid falling back into their old patterns of substance use, summer festivals can be both enjoyable and challenging.  This article contains practical tips on how to fully enjoy these events while staying sober.   Surround yourself with positive people When you go… Read more »

All it takes is an open mind and one foot in the door


Before Portage, jail was a looming threat: possession with intent to traffic, driving under the influence, and possession of methamphetamine. I had no intention of going to therapy until I learned I was under investigation for trafficking. What appeared to be the biggest mistake of my young adult life transformed into the best decision I… Read more »

Substance Use Treatment Techniques


Our clinical counsellors play a vital role in our residents’ therapeutic journey. They are pillars of support for our residents as they progress through their therapy. Inspired by the expertise of a level 4 substance use clinical counsellor at Portage, this article explores the techniques used to accompany residents throughout their therapy.   Plan of… Read more »

The Dark Side of Dopamine: Pleasure, Drugs and Solutions



Dopamine plays a central role in our well-being and our ability to experience feelings of pleasure and motivation. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter; often referred to as the ʺhappy hormoneʺ, it is the focus of numerous studies in the fields of neuroscience, psychology and medicine. In this article, we look at the role of dopamine, how… Read more »

The Truman Show: Awakening, Finding Freedom and Redefining Oneself


Mr. Richard Mayrand, a generous donor and committed Portage volunteer, recently organized a special showing of the movie ʺThe Truman Showʺ for youth at the Lac Écho Centre. Residents from both adolescent programs enjoyed a pizza lunch before viewing the movie and taking part in a discussion workshop on the theme of the film.  … Read more »

An academic program geared to youth in therapy


The start of summer marks the end of the school year at Portage. Did you know that all our youth programs in Québec, Ontario and Atlantic feature mandatory academic programs that are recognized by local school boards and adapted to students’ individual needs?  Youth who are dealing with dependency issues often see their education cut… Read more »

A Three to Six Month Rehabilitation Program Tailored to Youths’ Needs


Portage has been tailoring its addiction rehabilitation programs to the specific needs of young people and their families for many years now. Its residential centres offer variable-length therapy programs that can last anywhere from three to six months, depending on each youth’s journey towards sobriety. Condensed program phases At Portage, therapy includes six phases that… Read more »