The New Brunswick Anglophone South School District (ASD-S) high school principals and support staff held a meeting on April 13, 2018, in the Boardroom of the Portage Atlantic centre at Cassidy Lake. Mrs. Zoë Watson, Superintendent, Anglophone School District – South (photo: back row, second from the left) took part in the meeting and introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Jennifer Russell, New Brunswick Chief Medical Officer of Health (photo: seated row, middle).
Three of the Portage Atlantic youth appreciated providing a tour of the facility to members of the group and sharing their personal story.
Portage Atlantic provides bilingual on-site school programming with individualised curriculum tailored to each resident’s needs. Portage Academy at Cassidy Lake is recognised as an alternative school and is taught by certified teachers from the Department of Education. Joining the group for the picture was Mr. Randy Davis, Educational Coordinator at Portage Atlantic (photo: seated, far right).
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