Every month, the residents of Portage's Montreal day center dedicate their time to a noble cause: Moisson Montréal. This initiative provides much more than just assistance to the community; it is a key component of the therapeutic process for our residents. By actively participating in receiving donations, sorting food, and preparing baskets for community organizations, they find a source of fulfillment and personal development. This involvement allows them to reconnect with themselves and others, therefor strengthening their self-esteem and sense of purpose.
For us at Portage, incorporating these volunteer initiatives into our residents' recovery journey is essential. We believe that contributing to Moisson Montréal, Canada's largest food bank (and other similar initiatives), not only enriches the lives of those we help but also serves as a cornerstone in our residents' rehabilitation process. It is with great pride that we observe their progress, aware of the significance of these acts of solidarity in their therapeutic process.
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