Portage Atlantic was very proud to participate in a number of Lions Clubs events over the past few months. The Lions Clubs have been devoted supporters of Portage’s drug addiction rehabilitation centre for youth at Cassidy Lake for many years. By inviting Portage to their events they provide an opportunity to share information about the program and to create awareness about drug addiction among Atlantic youth.
- On October 26, 2015, Portage Atlantic was pleased to attend the Pickwauket Lions Club meeting in Hampton, NB.
- On November 14, 2015, as featured in photo, Carol Tracey, Portage Atlantic Director of Corporate Development, and Lion Ron Evans, Portage Atlantic board member and devoted supporter of Portage Atlantic, were present at the District N1-2 Fall Rally in Summerside, PEI. Approximately 150 Lions from Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, and Maine were in attendance.
- On January 26, 2016, Portage Atlantic proudly attended the Moncton Lions dinner, where a former Portage client, Frederic Laforge, spoke about his journey at Portage Atlantic and his continued sobriety after 15 years.