Portage helped my son gain a better understanding of who he is. It gave him back his pride and his sense of value. It helped him find new ways of dealing with his issues and challenges. By the time he entered Portage last April, I was exhausted, but for the first time in a very long while, I could stop worrying about him. I felt a lot of resentment, anger, and shame too. I had the feeling I had somehow been remiss in his upbringing.
Portage Entourage, led by Annie, helped shed light on my suffering and my partner’s suffering. After just a few meetings with Annie and with other persons experiencing difficulties similar to ours, things started to shift. I learned about the program, the therapeutic community, case conferences, outings and rules. I came to understand that addiction is a complex issue and I realized that my son had entered an amazing program.
The Portage Entourage meetings generated wonderful discussions with my partner. We started to see the program’s effects on my son during his first outings. There was a definite change. In the Entourage group, you listen to other people who are having difficulties similar to your own, and so you don’t feel alone. Those people know what it is to live with a person who has a dependency. I understood then that it’s normal to think it’s difficult. It’s normal to be angry, to have trouble forgiving, and trouble forgetting the past.
I also learned to take care of my feelings. Immediate families who get involved in this therapy can reap an enormous personal benefit from the process. Case conferences lead to a better understanding of conflictual situations and to a desire to improve oneself and to reestablish a healthy relationship with your loved one. The relationship my partner and I now have with my son has taken a new direction and we are very optimistic about the future because communication has been reestablished on a new foundation. Portage has brought my family reassurance, support and receptiveness, as well as tools to face daily life. I am extremely grateful to Portage for everything it has given us.
I am so proud of my son, who completed his program last October 18th, and showed incredible strength and determination. I am so proud of you Sébastien!
My heartfelt thanks also to all the Portage employees for their amazing work. A special thank you to the clinical counsellors, the Entourage group and the whole community. Thank you Portage.
Sylvie, Mother of Sébastien, a former resident
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