Pedal for Portage
The 2nd annual Pedal for Portage cycling event in Elora took place on Saturday, September 21, 2019. Portage Ontario is grateful to all...
Portage Ontario was presented in January with a three-year grant from the Rotary of Guelph South in support of the Portage Ontario Bursary...
“I have found my true self here”
It is a great honour for me to be welcomed into the Portage family. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to...
Pedal for Portage 2019
The 2nd annual Pedal for Portage cycling event in Elora took place on Saturday, September 21, 2019. And what a weekend it was!...
Portage Youth learn seamanship over the summer!
Portage Ontario and the Broad Reach Foundation for Youth Leaders have partnered to offer youth in Elora’s Rehabilitation Centre a sailing initiation program....
21st edition of Portage Games: from sports competition to gathering
August 8, 2019 marked the opening of the Portage Games at the Saint-Malachie Adolescent Rehabilitation Centre. Year after year, this friendly sport competition...
Giving Back with the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Portage in Ontario is delighted to partner with the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award for the first time. In Portage’s substance abuse rehabilitation centres...