
The Lewis Fitness Weight and Cardio Room is proving to be a great benefit for the male and female communities. Rather than extrapolate the benefit of fitness activities, here is feedback from the youth themselves.

“I love to get stuff out of my mind. It helps me to relax. It makes me feel motivated.”

“I really like it. It helps me to learn new exercises. It is very motivating. It makes me feel happy and healthy.”

“I actually enjoy fitness! I love how we get to do several different activities in one class. I also like how he (instructor) takes in our opinions and feedback to create a fitness class we will all enjoy.”

Part of the daily schedule at Cassidy Lake incorporates organized sports in the gymnasium. From time to time, outside groups such as the local RCMP members join the residents for team sports. The fitness routine also includes the use of weights and cardio equipment in a supervised setting. As is often the case, the results staff members observe with youth taking part in fitness activities are improved focus in therapy and in the classroom.

The Lewis Fitness center continues to wow youth and supporters who step inside the facility for the first time. It is a treasured addition to the campus for many reasons; most importantly, as Portage Atlantic Board member expressed, for the engagement of youth. “The construction of the Lewis Fitness Centre has been an exciting and fulfilling project. Inside and out, the building looks fantastic and is very well-suited for purpose of engaging youth to learn about the benefits of fitness. The fitness room (weight are cardio room), in particular, has a healing feel to it with 3 large windows over-looking Cassidy Lake. ” Dave Emmerson, Portage Atlantic Board Member and Co-Chair of the Lewis Fitness Project Capital Campaign

One Response to “Lewis Fitness Centre: What Youth Have to Say”

  1. Sarah Greenslade

    Well I wish we had this place to work out in when I was there 10 years ago instead of what we used to have lol looks great 😊


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