There is a saying that imitation is the best form of flattery. Over the past 45 years, the Portage model of treatment has been replicated in more than a dozen countries, always with our enthusiastic support and participation.
Our story with the Hungarians’ therapeutic community movement spans more than a quarter of a century.
In the late 1990s, with the assistance of the Canadian International Development Agency, Portage conducted two large multi-sectorial training programs for dozens of Hungarians treatment professionals, policy makers, police officers and judges. This resulted in a flurry of visits by Hungarians addiction workers to various Portage centres for training and internship.
The workers returning to Hungary diligently transported their experience and helped in the establishment of therapeutic communities based on the Portage model. The fraternal relationship is stronger than ever and we were pleased to have the opportunity to welcome a delegation of 8 Hungarian addiction workers with special interest in our mother and child model this past May.
These energetic and dedicated young people spent an entire week, living at Portage, studying our procedures. We look forward of a lasting friendship with our Hungarian brothers and sisters. It is with a glad heart that we welcome them into the Portage global family.