During their stay at Lac Écho, residents of Portage’s adult, francophone youth and anglophone youth programs live in a natural setting where they can practice various activities.
In order to diversify the centre’s sports offerings and take full advantage of the natural surroundings, the Fonds Josée Lavigueur of the Opération Enfant Soleil donated $8,718 to Portage for the purchase of equipment such as kayaks and pedal boats, and the construction of a permanent structure to house the new material
Every year, more than 400 people receive treatment at the Lac Écho campus. With its new sports equipment, Portage wants to help young residents enjoy outdoor activities and make the most of the lake. ˝Our young residents were really delighted with the new equipment. They were happy to get to enjoy the lake with the pedal boats, ˝ says Caroline Gélinas.
Sports are an essential part of the residents’ rehabilitation process. They can help them develop a new passion or discover new experiences that will help them move forward throughout their stay at the centre.
Residents can use the pedal boats and kayaks during their physical education class and also during supervised periods outside school hours.
Everyone agrees that the donation made by the Fonds Josée Lavigueur of the Opération Enfant Soleil has had a positive impact on the success of their treatment.