
The fifth annual Pedal for Portage cycling event in Elora took place on Saturday, September 24, 2022. It was wonderful to see so many past participants return after the pandemic.

Thank you to all those who supported our cyclists in their fundraising efforts. Since its inception, the event has raised over $250,000 for Portage’s Residential Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Centre for Ontario youth in Elora.

Portage wishes to acknowledge Grand River Raceway, EloraFergusToday, The Grand at 101, Hugh Black of The Bicycle Tailor, Royal Distributing, Wellington Police, Red Car Services, Rowbot.ioo, Linton Pasture Pork, Nexans Ivory Coast, Nick’s Quick Delivery, Elora Ski & Cycle, Barry Cullen Chevrolet Cadillac Ltd., and all the other organizations who donated cash, products and services.


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